The Academy for Professional Education and Training provides to public and private sector organisations world-wide, e-Learning in the form of:

    Content-based e-Learning Applications:

-  Specialty Content-based e-Learning Applications for professional executive management development and enhancement.
-  Organisation-wide
Content-based e-Learning Applications for public and private sector employees, in the various topics
   relating to:
Production and Operations Management; Facilities and Utilities Management; Integrated Asset Management;
Engineering Management; Integrity of Engineering Design; Integrity of Industrial Process; Optimum Maintenance Practice.
-  Inclusion of initial training and license agreements for further organisation-wide modifications to the Applications.
e-Learning has several benefits:
-  e-Learning provides time and location flexibility.
-  e-Learning allows unlimited access to electronic learning materials.

-  e-Learning results in cost and time savings for educational institutions.
-  e-Learning fosters self-directed and self-paced learning by conducting learner-centered activities.
-  e-Learning offers a collaborative learning environment by linking each learner with experts and peers.
-  Knowledge stored in a Web repository can be updated and maintained in a timely and efficient fashion.
    e-Books covering e-Learning Applications:

e-Books have the potential to radically change, in a positive manner, the way people learn and disseminate information relating to topics that affect their skills capability and management expertise. An e-Book is a special computer file, which contains the text of a printed book. The file may be read on a personal computer, a personal digital assistant (PDA), or an electronic device designed specifically for reading e-Books (e-Book reader).

e-Books have several advantages:
-  e-Book readers contain many books rather than having a few books in print form.
-  e-Book text can be searched automatically and cross-referenced using hyperlinks.
-  e-Book text can be easily converted to audio books for seminar/group discussions.
-  e-Books require little space and can be used indefinitely without going out of date.
-  e-Books retail at only a fraction of the price (usually one third of the printed book).
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e-Learning Overview