Capability Maturity Model Integration - CMMI® - ACQ (Acquisition)
Capability Maturity Model Integration - CMMI® - DEV (Development)
Capability Maturity Model Integration - CMMI® - SVC (Services)
Capability Maturity Model Integration - CMMI® - People CMM®
Training Courses in CMMI:
The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) courses and workshops are delivered in association with the Academy by the training and consulting company, S-3 Consulting. These courses have evolved from the original Capability Maturity Model (CMM), a project started in 1987 at the Software Engineering Institute SEI, a research center at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, which was established and funded by the United States Department of Defense. The current guide to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for Development is published by the Software Engineering Institute as "CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement". S-3 provides its consulting services using the following CMMI best practice technologies: CMMI®-ACQ (acquisition); CMMI®-DEV (development); CMMI®-SVC (services); and People CMM®.

People CMM® and CMMI® are registered with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University. The Academy, through S-3 offers the following certificate Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) courses:
- Introduction to the CMMI®
- Introduction to People CMM®
The purpose of the model as illustrated in the diagram, is used to assess the maturity of an organisation’s processes as well as to provide guidance on improving processes that will lead to improved products or services. According to SEI, the CMMI model is also useful for risk management and indicates an organisation’s capability in managing future strategic risks. CMMI provides an indication of how an organisation performs under uncertainty or high risk. A high maturity, high capability organisation is able to manage strategic stress and risk, react, change, and progress forward. This implies that organisations are then able to deliver quality products and services to meet demand for competitive edge.
Training Courses - Capability Maturity Modelling